Sunday, 26 June 2011

Big June Update!!

Been a very busy month June with lots going on so haven’t really had the time to update the Blog!! But here are just some of the celebration Cakes we have made this month so far.

Starting with 2 bauble Style cakes the Purple one was for a 40th and the Pink for a christening, both were ordered by past brides :)

buable 2 tier birthday cake in purplePink Bauble Cake Christening Cakes

More birthday cakes, with a Pooh and Friends Cake, Sapphire Gin bottle and a favourite of little girls a doll cake.

Pooh and friends birthday cakebombay Gin Bottle Birthday CakeBarbie Doll birthday Cake

Next a couple of Simple birthday Cakes with firework style toppers, and another popular cake a football shirt.

2 tier hearts birthday cake in black,pink and silver80th birthday cake with lilac feathers

chelsea shirt birthday cake







Engagement Cake 2 teir roses

And Finally a 2 tier Engagement Cake with Ivory sparkles Rose’s and gold Leaves.

Big update to Follow on our Wedding cakes Blog, with some lovely cakes, at lovely venues and also some pictures of our wedding friends all making everything perfect for our bride and grooms big days.

Thanks for looking and there are lots more pictures on our website at 

Joe and Janine

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Last of May


Quite a few Celebration cakes in this update, starting with 2 girlie Birthday cakes. One a simple 2 tier with black and pink hearts and the other a Handbag cake with moulded Chocolate Shoes.


Seems to be something with wired toppers at the moment with 3 more cakes, a engagement cake and to very similar Christening Cakes in this style.


And just for good measure another of the ever popular Burnley Shirt, always a big hit with the Boys.


Thanks for looking – Joe and Janine